Financial Information
Quarterly Report For The Financial Period Ended 30 September 2024
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(a) The Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 30 September 2023 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to this interim financial report.
(b) Based on 669,447,130 ordinary shares in issue as disclosed in Note B10.
(a) The Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 30 September 2023 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to this interim financial report.
(b) Based on 669,447,130 ordinary shares in issue as disclosed in Note B10.
(c) Diluted earnings per share for the current financial period is calculated by dividing the profit for the financial period attributable to owners of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial period adjusted for the effects of dilutive potential ordinary shares as disclosed in Note B10.
Comparison with the preceding year corresponding quarter
The Group's revenue recorded an increase of 136% in the current quarter (“Q4FY24”) as compared to the preceding year corresponding quarter (“Q4FY23”) due to the higher demand from various market segments.
R&D expenses have decreased due to lower capitalisation in development cost compared to Q4FY23.
Other expenses for Q4FY24 are only consist of unrealised foreign exchange loss and the foreign exchange loss is mainly due to strengthening of RM as at year end. It is a non-cash accounting assessment as at year end to reflect the latest forex rate impact.
Other expenses have decreased due to there were other one-off and non-cash expenses such as impairment loss on goodwill and allowance of expect credit loss in Q4FY23.
Finance cost increased mainly attributed to higher drawdown of trade line facilities for working capital purposes.
Loss before tax improving mainly attributed to higher revenue recorded.
As we wave farewell to FY2024, we welcome the positive sign of demand for both China sales region and Rest of World sales region in the new financial year, illustrated by mobile/tablets and automotive industries. The semiconductor industry is now gearing towards a steady growth, so does our Group.
As expected, the AMB5600 series testers for CIS market were being shipped to fulfil our bookings. New orders with substantial value were received not only from China sales region but also from Rest of World. We expect the shipment of AMB5600 to increase in the coming quarters, fuelled by the demand in consumer electronics and electric vehicles. Our production capacity for AMB5600 is expected to be at 100% until June 2025. Exploration of new business opportunities is on-going.
The demand for AMB7600 series of radio frequency testers is expected to grow, with higher weightage from Rest of World sales region as compared to China sales region. For the same applications, the demand level for silicon capacitor testers is expected to be lifted in FY2025.
It's worth mentioning the contribution of revenue by medical electronics segment. We expect the segment to add meaningful value to the revenue in FY2025. The contribution of revenue shall averagely hover around 10%, possibly making it within the top five segment contributors.
We thank you for your support, and we strive to deliver a positive vibe as we march towards FY2025.